Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Utilizing A Professional Electrician For Electrical Home Inspections

Purchasing a new home can be one of the most exciting things one experiences in his/her lifetime. The experience can also be frustrating, stressful, in overwhelming. While the excitement of purchasing a new home is never really diminished by the aforementioned emotions those emotions are brought about by the numerous things that new homeowners must deal with. Chief among these being the home inspection. Rigorously inspecting and testing a home for flaws and potential hazards or problems alongside a professional is extremely important but an arduous task nonetheless.

During a home inspection one of the biggest concerns for both the professional inspectors and new homeowners is a homes electrical system. This is why electrical inspections are generally at the top of the priority lists of new homeowners. Those homeowners who shrug off or downplay the importance of electrical home inspection put both their home and their families at risk. Shoddy and outdated electrical in a home can result in higher electric bills, shocks, and even fires. Fortunately electrical inspections are mandatory in many states and in those that they aren't mandatory they are strongly suggested.

It's a common misconception that new homeowners must use or settle on a general home inspector for their electrical inspection. In fact homeowners are often encouraged to hire an independent electrical contractor to perform the inspection. While most home inspectors are knowledgeable in all things regarding a home very few of them are experts in any one area. As a result of lacking expertise general home inspectors may sometimes miss both small and critical electrical issues within a home. Any experienced electrical contractor however will know exactly what to look for and expect from the home they've been hired to inspect. This ensures that new homeowners will be made aware of any and all problems and often get an estimate as to what it might cost to correct problems.

Fortunately for homeowners electrical contractors are not hard to find. Both of those in their immediate area and those in surrounding cities are numerous and generally speaking, available immediately. It behooves any individual who might be on the cusp of purchasing a home to have a thorough electrical inspection done by a professional electrician as opposed to a general home inspector. The time it takes to find one that's reputable and fairly priced is relatively simple especially when compared with the costs and complications associated with leaving an electrical inspection to a general inspector.

SA Electric specializes in Orange County electricians and kitchen lighting.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Window Awnings: Why So Popular?

Of the many different types of awnings that are available for homes perhaps none are more popular than window awnings. This is because window awnings help homeowners lower their cooling bills by blocking out harsh sunlight. Not only that but window awnings protect rugs, furniture, and all other types of flooring from the fading that occurs as a result of ultraviolet rays entering a home. Though the preservation of furniture and flooring is often a concern for homeowners the vast majority of persons who have window awnings installed do so in order to reduce heat gain in their homes by as much as 77%. Those homeowners who have yet to have window awnings installed may wish to consider a number of things prior to purchase and installation.

The first thing homeowners will want to keep in mind is that window awnings are also fantastic for homes that reside in cool climates. While window awnings are certainly valued in high temperature climates homeowners residing in cooler cities or states can save up to 25% to 35% on their cooling costs. Even in the coolest climates direct sunlight can still enter a home and be both annoying, heating, and damaging to furniture and flooring.

Homeowners considering having window awnings installed should first think about what direction their windows are facing. Homes that have the majority of their windows facing south or west will benefit most from window awnings as they can reduce cooling costs and energy savings by as much as 77%. Keep in mind that this doesn't necessarily negate the need for window awnings over windows that face in other directions, homeowners simply won't see as much benefit when they are installed on those windows.

In addition to having window awnings over the right windows and utilizing them in all climates it is equally important to point out that flexible window awnings should also be of great importance to homeowners. Having the ability to remove awnings during the winter when direct sunlight can help keep a cold home warm is vitally important. Inflexible or permanent window awnings, while popular, can cause a homeowners heating bill to rise simply because sunlight cannot enter their home. Fortunately homeowners can select from adjustable/retractable window awnings as well as those that are easily uninstalled and reinstalled.

Trees are nature's free window awnings and while most modern window awnings increase the aesthetics of a home they are far less effective when a home is surrounded by large trees. The natural shade that comes from trees can severely reduce the effectiveness of window awnings. Homeowners with a large number of trees around their home or at least trees in the right places need to carefully think about their impending purchase. If all they want out of window awnings are eye candy than a purchase is more than warranted but if they're looking for all of the benefits that come with window awnings then they'll be spinning their wheels.

The Awning Company specializes in Corona Del Mar awnings and awnings in Orange County.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

New Construction Window Installation Vs. Replacement Window Installation

There are only two reasons why windows are put into a home. The first reason being new construction and the second being replacement or retrofitted window projects. Surprisingly many homeowners don't know the difference between the two and assume that windows sold for upgrades are the same in quality and function as those that were installed into their home and was built. It's also common for homeowners to erroneously believe that the installation process is the same. In actuality the two are very different and mutually exclusive. Contractors will almost never use new construction windows nor techniques for upgrades or replacement windows. Additionally each type of window and procedure has very specific advantages.

The way a contractor approaches installing windows into a newly built home is far different than the way they approach installing replacement windows. During new construction homes are designed to accommodate a very specific type of window and contractors have much less work to do as a result. Those going to newly built homes often have a nail fin that rests against the outside of studs or screws. A windows simply needs to be placed in its frame and then butted up to either the new homes window   frame.

When dealing with replacement window projects contractors can sometimes utilize new construction windows and techniques for the job though it is often far more involving than utilizing replacement window techniques. It's much simpler to use techniques designed for windows going into a older home and thus usually more affordable for the homeowner. Finding the right size window can be difficult for both homeowners and contractors in a retrofit project and many times window frames must be made of smaller or larger to accommodate the new windows a homeowner is chosen.
Generally speaking contractors working on a replacement window project will use one of two techniques to get the job done. The first is known as "flush fin" and is generally used in homes with aluminum windows and stucco exteriors. Utilizing this method contractors will leave the original window frame as is which prevents the stucco wall of a home from being damaged. The second method is known in professional circles as "block frame". This method is commonly used by contractors dealing with homes whose exteriors are made of either brick or siding. A contractor using this method will first need to ensure that studs around window frames have not been damaged prior to installing new windows.

Understanding the difference between installing windows in a newly built home and a retrofit project can help put a homeowner's mind at ease and even help them hire a better contractor. Furthermore having insight as to how different windows are installed can help homeowners avoid contractors that might want to use one method when another is more appropriate for their home.

Legendary Doors and Windows specializes in Anaheim windows and new windows Orange County.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Different Types of Glass To Clean

Not all windows nor all glass structures are constructed from the same types of glass. Glass comes in the form of many different styles, quality, and design. Cleaning windows and other glass structures might be something laypersons attempt on their own but in actuality doing so may actually do more harm than good. This is because different types of glass require not only different cleaning tools and chemicals but different styles as well. When working with some glass a simple damp cloth or some generic window cleaner is enough to do the trick. With the vast majority of windows and glass structures however these things might actually make the glass worse by scratching it, causing smears, or by doing nothing at all wasting an individual's time.

As professional window cleaners will tell you there are essentially five types of glass that they deal with and prefer you leave to them. These types of glass are known as annealed, heat strengthened, tempered, low-E, and insulating glass units. The easiest of these five to clean is annealed glass and a large majority of windows and glass structures are built from this type of glass. This type of glass is best known as the glass shatters into large pieces when it breaks. Annealed glass can be cleaned with a variety of chemicals and generally does not scratch.

Heat strengthened glass is glass that has been heat-treated to reduce surface compression. When this type of glass breaks it generally falls into small and sharp pieces. The glass itself is intermediate in strength. What this essentially means is that cleaning heat strengthened glass requires a special knowledge of glass and one that professional window cleaners always have. Laypersons should avoid cleaning heat strengthened glass on her own as the wrong chemicals and tools can not only damage this type of glass but breaking it as well.

As its name suggests, tempered glass is one of the strongest types of glass currently manufactured. In fact many professional window cleaners think of tempered glass as being four or five times stronger than even annealed glass. Laypersons will refer to tempered glass by its more common term "safety glass". This type of glass is often found in vehicles and around commercial structures. While it is one of the sturdiest types of glass available cleaning it can be somewhat problematic. When tempered glass is made poorly or is only mediocre at best only a professional window cleaner is capable of making this type of glass shine like new.

Low-E glass is made solely to cool down homes and buildings. Homeowners and those who own commercial structures often select this type of glass when they want insulated windows that help control the interior climates of their dwellings. Because this type of glass utilizes various types of UV film careful care needs to be taken in the cleaning of windows and glass structures made of this type of glass. Again this is where professional window cleaning services become extremely invaluable. Low-E glass isn't cheap and you don't want to damage it by trying to clean it yourself.

Lastly, insulating glass units are essentially two pieces of glass separated by some sort of space in between panes. This space are are often filled with air and gas in order to be create a seal between the separate panes which is excellent for homes that want better climate control, privacy, and even security. Due to the complexity of some insulating glass units professional window cleaners should be called in on a regular basis when these windows or glass structures become dirty or caked with debris. Not only is great care and cleaning of this type of glass required but experience is also needed to ensure that they are made properly clean.

Most people, even those that own commercial structures, would say that they'd rather not spend the money on professional window cleaning services. Once they learn that there are different types of glass however and that those types of glass all require different approaches to cleaning the majority of these people change their mind. Having windows cleaned professionally is a lot less expensive than replacing windows and people would do well to remember this before they hastily decide not to hire a professional.

Stanley Window Care specializes in window cleaning services and window cleaning in Huntington Beach.

Knock Knock! Who's There? A Great First Impression

The old adage that says "you only get one chance to make a first impression" is one of those things that we hear very often and sometimes wonder how much truth there is to that old saying. In actuality the first impression a person forms about you or your home can make or break a business or personal relationship and can even make people think less of both you and your abode. The way your home looks both on the interior and the exterior says a lot out you. Not only about your own personal tastes in decor and style but your standard of living as well. Any homeowner that wants or needs to make a good first impression and has the money to spend on a home improvement project may want to consider replacing their doors.

Giving your home a door makeover is a great way to make a first impression because modern doors can be custom-made and are far more elaborate and durable than ever before. With the ability to order a custom-made door for your home you can let your imagination run wild in terms of color, architecture, style, design, and even construction materials. Custom-made doors for your home give you the perfect opportunity to make the type of first impression you've always wanted to make. Perhaps best of all however modern doors can be created and installed for the purpose of creating specific moods or atmospheres.

In addition to adding new doors to your home as part of a makeover you might also want to consider door accessories. A door knocker is a fantastic addition to nearly any type of door and can make a door extremely stylish. While it's true the idea of door knockers may seem a bit dated, they often bring a bit of "je ne sais quoi" to any door which they're installed upon. Modern door knockers can be made from wood, brass, and come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. In many instances you may even be able to have a door knocker custom-made for your new door.

In keeping with the discussion about door accessories for new doors, you'll also want to keep in mind that door handles can be custom ordered and can be far more luxurious and interesting than they ever were in the past. In addition to aesthetics door handles also need to be carefully selected because they play a large role in home security. Selecting door handles that not only look good but are effective at keeping people out and/or in is of even greater importance. Even in the event that you unable to afford a brand-new door for your home adding a new door handle to one or more of them can still enhance the beauty of doors and make them more secure.

When selecting new doors for home many homeowners often keep things like entertaining guests and even the holidays in the back of their minds. You may be no different and want your new door to be accommodating in both scenarios. If this is the case you needn't worry as ordering a custom-made door can allow you to have a door installed that's easy to decorate and will look good regardless of what time of year it may be.

Last but not least when you're adding new doors to your home as part of a home makeover don't forget to think about doorbells. Similar to door knockers doorbells can alert you to a visitor's presence however modern doorbells can do quite a bit more and go much further than ever before in helping you to make the kind of first impression you'd like to make. The jingle a doorbell plays when activated can be virtually anything you like. Part of one of your favorite songs or something that might invoke specific feelings can be included to really impress guests/visitors.

Legendary Doors and Windows specizlizes in Orange County doors and Costa Mesa doors.

Make Your Patio A Useful Area And Enjoyable

Homeowners who find their patios somewhat drab and/or otherwise boring can do something about that by having a patio cover installed. Alone patios are an area in which a homeowner and sometimes their family get together for short periods of time to star gaze, consider going for a swim, or even cooking a quick meal on the grill. Things like falling rain, wind, harsh sunlight, and soaring temperatures however often keep homeowners from utilizing uncovered patios. On the other hand patios with a patio cover installed can become a place in which homeowners can entertain guests, enjoy indoor amenities outdoors, and even read a book or grab a quick nap. Once a patio is covered it quickly becomes one of the most popular areas of the home.

While some homeowners will inevitably add a table and flimsy umbrella to their patio to function as a pseudo-patio cover these people will quickly find that an umbrella is unreliable and provides two small comfortable space to enjoy a regular basis. Fortunately modern patio covers range from the very inexpensive to the very luxurious and costly though regardless of which type a homeowner selects their going to get a quality product. Additionally modern patio covers, and to a greater extent patio enclosures, are available in a wide array of different construction materials. No longer are patio covers and enclosures made solely from wood or metal. Modern patio covers are now made from wood, metal, vinyl, and a combination of materials. Homeowners also want to keep in mind that within the aforementioned categories there's also different types to choose from. There many different types of wood as well as metal and many different qualities of vinyl available too.

When it comes to the actual design of patio covers homeowners also have a number of choices to consider. In keeping with modern times and the desire to be more environmentally friendly many contractors now offer solar patio covers. These patio covers not only protect homeowners from sun and rain but provide them with a very clean and affordable source of electricity as well. Whereas wood, solar, and metal patio covers require regular maintenance and cleaning vinyl patio covers require little more than an occasional wiping down or hosing off. Vinyl patio covers are also great for those homeowners who don't want their newest investment to become a victim of rots, warping, cracking, or peeling. Of course for the homeowner concerned with beauty wood patio covers and even enclosures are still made available. It's hard to beat the look of wood covering a patio and these types of covers, even more so than any other, can raise the value of a home substantially.

With so many choices available and so many options to consider homeowners should always seek to have a consultation with some sort of patio cover professional. These persons can give homeowners a very good idea of what type of patio cover will work best for their home, their budget, and the climate their home is in. The purchase of a new patio cover isn't something that homeowners should rush into as they can be installed and enjoyed year-round.

The Patio Masters specializes in Orange County patio covers and Laguna Niguel patio covers.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Professional Pressure Washing: Relieving The Burden

It is a heavy burden, caring for a commercial facility. The maintenance involved in keeping such a structure clean and professional looking is nothing short of daunting and some might even say arduous. Everything from keeping windows clean to keeping walls, parking lots, and walkways in good order requires the assistance of professionals. Perhaps no professional cleaning service is more valuable to owners of commercial structures that is pressure washing.

Pressure washing is extremely important to commercial structure owners because the exterior of the commercial building is often the first impression business associates and customers have upon arriving. As such business managers and even owners of commercial structures want the entire exterior of their buildings to look not only professional and clean but warm and welcoming as well. An unkempt looking business structure may give pause to visitors and cause them to wonder if a building is equally as dirty inside. Believe it or not, many people can form an overall negative opinion of a business simply by coming into contact with an unclean exterior.

Pressure washing is best left to professionals not only because they're capable of delivering far greater results than any business manager or owner could give themselves but because they utilize professional grade tools and chemicals. Armed with not just the knowledge of how to use these tools and chemicals but how to troubleshoot and resolve issues around problem buildings is extremely essential and isn't something laypersons will be capable of doing. Additionally there's the issue of safety and attempting to pressure wash a commercial structure on their own is folly for business owners and managers. Not only can misusing equipment and chemicals cause damage to a building but can result in chemical burns, extensive and expensive damages, and even city fines.

When business owners and managers hire a professional pressure washing service they can rest easy knowing that their driveways, parking lots, and exterior walls are going to look great. Furthermore many professional pressure washers also offer other cleaning services that owners of commercial structures might find valuable. Many times their additional services include window cleanings, window and door screen repair, and even rain gutter cleaning/repair services. With pressure washing professionals offering so many additional services it behooves any owners of commercial structures as well as business owners/managers to seek out a professional pressure washing service that can offer them all of the aforementioned things. Doing so will help keep their structure looking good and ready for business.

Stanley Window Care specializes in Laguna Beach pressure washing services and Orange County pressure washing.