It's important keep in mind even while working with an Orange County bathroom remodeling specialist that traditional tubs as well as whirlpool tubs are available in four different styles. These styles are named after the way in which they are installed. These include recessed, corner, drop-in, and freestanding. All the tubs also come in a wide variety of different shapes and sizes and are also made from different materials and can also be found in a wide variety of colors. They're can also be found in left-handed and right handed versions to make matters even more confusing. To determine what type will work best for your bathroom, you and your Orange County bathroom designer will need to face the area where the tub will sit and view where the plumbing lies.
Recessed tubs are sometimes called alcove tubs and fit snugly into their spaces leaving only the front of the tub to be finished. This is the most popular type of bathtub on the market because it is space efficient and extremely affordable.
The majority of recessed tubs are 16 inches long and fit into 5 x 7' bathrooms. If you're in need of something a little larger than you'll want to talk to your Orange County bathroom designer about recessed tubs that are 72 inches long and 16 inches deep.
A great number of recessed tubs are molded from steel and come with an enamel finish. While many Orange County bathroom designers often recommend this type of tub because it is the most affordable, their light weight makes them noisy and prone to chipping. Though they are a little more expensive a better option is a cast iron recessed tub with an enamel finish. If this is the route you choose however consult with an Orange County bathroom designer to make sure that your bathroom floor can support the weight associated with these tubs.
Your basic corner tub is simply a bathtub that fits into a corner with two unfinished sides and one or two finished sides. These types of bathtubs are most commonly triangular and box shaped.
Drop-in bathtubs are unique in that they generally set on a platform or are set into the floor. These tubs are available in a wide variety of shapes and are usually made from plastic or acrylic and are often reinforced with fiberglass. These bathtubs are very light weight but also prone to dulling and scratching. If you're considering a drop in bathtub than you'll want to consult with an Orange County bathroom designer to determine which shape and type will work best for you and your bathroom.
The layperson generally doesn't know the name of those popular clawfoot tubs seen in movies, television and even in some homes. These are freestanding bathtubs and sit directly on the bathroom floor though there are a few models designed to fit into a specific platform. These bathtubs are attractive to consumers but as an Orange County bathroom remodeling specialist can tell you, they're the most expensive of all bathtubs and require the most work as all sides are exposed and will need to be finished. Some freestanding tubs are made of cast-iron while others are made of lightweight materials. You and your Orange County bathroom designer will have to figure out whether or not your bathroom floor can withstand the weight of this type of tub without additional buttressing.
Whirlpool Tubs
A whirlpool tub is just like a regular bathtub with one exception. These bathtubs provide their owners with therapeutic Hydro-massage. Additionally whirlpool bathtubs come in the same basic styles that traditional bathtubs come in though the drop-in whirlpool bathtub is the most popular. If you're leaning towards the purchase of a whirlpool bathtub be sure to speak with an Orange County bathroom designer about the higher cost of the unit itself and any special framing that might need to be applied. Some of these whirlpool tubs also require a dedicated water heater and electrical circuits so be sure those topics comes up as well. Other topics to cover with your Orange County bathroom designer are noisy pumps, placement of the pump, variable speed pumps and even timer options.
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