Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Orange County Real Estate: How A Home Appraisal Works

Knowing what your home is currently worth has never been more valuable especially in today's market. If you're not sure what your home is actually worth then your best bet is going to be to work with a professional Orange County home appraisal specialist. An Orange County home appraisal specialist will factor in things that certain home value websites don't. These things include possible improvements and upgrades that have been made your home and other things that a website can't physically see.

Homeowners looking to hire a professional Orange County home appraisal specialist on the cheap should keep in mind that the old adage "you get what you pay for" is as applicable here as it is to anything else you pay for. Less experienced Orange County home appraisal specialists may miss many things or fail to take into account a number of things about your home while an Orange County home appraisal specialist who is experienced will give you a more accurate financial representation of your home's worth. A good Orange County home appraisal specialist will be a licensed individual and will visit your home and evaluate it in person. He or she will do a thorough room by room assessment of the entire home and will take into consideration the age and condition of your home as well as possible upgrades and even landscaping opportunities. He or she will also look at up to date sales data for homes similar to yours in your neighborhood.

At the end of the appraisal your Orange County home appraisal specialist will present you with an appraiser's report. This document can help you determine an asking price if you plan on selling your home or help you determine how much equity you have in the event you want to or need to refinance. Home owners will want keep in mind however that if you are selling your home a buyers lender will likely send their own Orange County home appraisal specialist to your home to get their own take on things. Homeowners that plan on selling their homes however will still want to hire an Orange County home appraisal specialist of their own in order to compare analyses.

How to Prepare for It

Many homeowners want to hire an Orange County home appraisal specialist but remain apprehensive simply because they're not sure how to prepare their home for appraisal. In short preparing a home for an appraisal should be treated as though you're preparing a home for a buyers visit. Once the house is presentable for a buyer a homeowner need only to sit back and wait it out as there are many things on the list of an Orange County home appraisal specialist that they cannot fix/change. Some of these include the size of the home, it's location, the number of rooms in the home, as well as recent sales data for the neighborhood. As a homeowner has no control of these factors there is no point in needlessly worrying about them. Instead home ownership focus on the following things:

  • Address any home repair needs
  • Without overspending update any outdated fixtures in the home.
  • Do touch up painting on faded and chipped areas.
  • Improve your curb appeal in whatever way you can.

While addressing the aforementioned issues won't add a lot of value to your home every little bit helps and more importantly it keeps an Orange County home appraisal specialist from beginning the process with a negative mindset or bad first impression. Homeowners should also alert the Orange County home appraisal specialists are working with to any upgrades that may have been done to the home. This can be critical because it potentially increases the appraised base value of the home. Things to alert an Orange County home appraisal specialist to are new flooring, new decks, major landscaping additions, swimming pools and spas, and new cabinets or counters.

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