Thursday, April 21, 2011

Orange County Flooring: Carpeting Basics

Although many remodeling projects can be gratifying, very few if any offer the type of gratification and satisfaction than does carpeting a room. There's something very rewarding about carpeting as its rolled out, stretched into place, and then set. New wall-to-wall carpet can turn an otherwise dull and listless room into a room that's vibrant, warm and cozy.

The Carpet And Rug Institute has stated that 6 out of10 American homeowners actually prefer wall-to-wall carpeting over any other type of flooring. With such a high demand for carpet nearly two billion square yards of carpet are produced each year which is enough to run a 12 foot wide swath around the Earth's equator 12 times!

The popularity of carpet as any Orange County flooring expert will tell you can be attributed to its comfort, sound deadening properties, its affordability, it easy installation, and its thousands of colors and styles. All these things make it easy to find carpet that fits in any individual's home.

If we look closer at carpet we will discover that it is essentially a heavy fabric made from face yarns and backings. Don't expect however to see carpet being made by hand as most carpets today are constructed on huge machines that spin face yarn onto a synthetic backing. This is done with hundreds of high-speed needles all working together in unison. Once stitched is completed a new carpet is then given a backing coated with a latex and sometimes further reinforced with a second backing of jute, polypropylene, urethane foam, and sometimes rubber. There are different types of face yarn finishing as well and different styles include looping carpet, a cut pile, cut loop, or tip sheared.

As far as face yarns are concerned they can be made from synthetic fibers as well as wool. Though wool is generally preferred by homeowners and considered to be the ultimate carpet fiber by Orange County flooring experts, it costs 2 to 3 times the price of its synthetic cousins so homeowners looking to lay new carpet down might want to consider the synthetic route if their budget is small. Even synthetic carpets offer a natural feel and are extremely durable.

Anyone interested in synthetic carpet might find it interesting that synthetic carpets are actually made from several materials. In most cases synthetic carpet is made from nylon, olefin, polyester, and sometimes acrylic. Though all of these synthetic carpets are widely available through any retailer an Orange County flooring expert will usually recommend nylon as it is the most durable of the synthetic carpets. For those homeowners who need to lay carpet down outdoors, in a basement or attic, olefin will be the synthetic carpet of choice as it's a low maintenance type of carpet. Polyester carpets while offering a more realistic wool feel, are a lot less durable than its counterparts and while acrylics resemble wool carpets more than any other synthetic fiber they often fades easily and are quite expensive.

When it comes to the installation of new carpet it's wise to consult with an Orange County flooring expert or even hire them to do the job as this will save any homeowner time and money. When either you or an Orange County flooring expert lays new carpet down it will usually need to be applied over some type of padding in order to prolong the carpets life as well as cushion the floor. Even before that part of the process is undertaken however tactless strippings are nailed around the perimeter of the floor and one edge of the carpet is hooked on the protruding points of the stripping which allows carpet to be stretched tightly so as to remove excess carpet from the job. Seaming tape or thermoplastic tape, when needed will be applied with a special iron.

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