Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Orange County Electricians: Electrical Power Surges

Most of the electrical appliances we have in our homes today will not be harmed in an electrical storm when lightning strikes. Our main fuse boxes prevent power surges from happening, but when we use our power sensitive computers that may a different issue. If lightning strikes near your home and the lights in any given neighborhood instantly go off, it would be a good idea to turn your computer or any other appliance you are using, turn them all off if you have that option.

A power surge also happens when the electrical power is damaged in any way. Such as a car hitting the power box out on the street or anywhere else along the lines that run along roadways. Those wires are also victims in a fire.

Electrical power surges happen after the lightning strike, when the power surges back on. Refrigerators and televisions and other appliances might be difficult to shut them down and that is why we use surge protectors where the appliances are protected.

That surge protector on your computer will protect it from losing its memory, but if you’re working on it, save everything and shut it down. Better safe than sorry. Because electrical power is so efficient and is located in almost every single home or business, many others things could cause electrical failure.
We tend to take electricity for granted. Many believe they can install additional power switches where we can plug even more items into one switch. Too many appliances that draw from a single plug can also cause a surge. Our lights may dim when someone is using a drill in the garage; or when any appliance is turned on.

Dimming lights is not a good thing, unless you have a light plug that dims the overhead lights, but this is not the same as power surges. It means power is being pulled away from other appliances within your home. Power is normally stable and constant, and when you notice your lights dimming you need to find out why.

In many instances, you should probably call an electrician. He can find out the cause, and correct it for you. It would be well worth paying him for his time and expertise because that is where fires start in homes, and usually at night.

If you’re in doubt, the very least you should do is to install a surge protector on all appliances. Usually you can use one protector for several appliances, like your laptop computer, printer, desk top computer, monitor, and keyboard. Plug in your cell phones when in use, and unplug them after they’ve been charged.

My Home Improvement Club specializes in pre-approved and pre-screened Orange County Electrical, Orange County Contractors and Orange County home improvement specialists.

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