Of the many people who received municipal tap water and use it for drinking, the majority often complain of it's poor taste and its foul smell. One way for people to get around the unpleasantries associated with tap water is to purchase bottled water though this course of action can be quite expensive and is environmentally irresponsible. In fact the more affordable and greener alternative is actually an water filtration system for the home. There are many water filtration systems available and range from the relatively simple and cheap to the elaborate and expensive. Before you purchase an water filtering system for your home however it's important to understand the function of each so that you can determine which filtration system will work best for you.
Though all water filtration systems are designed to remove unwanted minerals and contaminants from tap water they all do so very differently. While some filtration units use simple activated charcoal or carbon element filters others use electronic or mechanical means of filtration instead. Additionally some water filtration systems are meant only to remove large particles such as sand and mud from household water while others remove potentially harmful contaminants such as lead or bacteria. In order to determine which water filtration system will work best for your home you first need to determine what type of contaminants are present in your home's water and what means of filtration will treat the water best.
There are a great many different types of filtration systems available. The most simple type of filtration unit in the faucet mounted unit. The average consumer will instantly recognize the brands Pur and Brita, two of the largest manufacturers of faucet mounted units. The faucet mounted units work by diverting water through a filter cartridge which passes water over activated charcoal and then through a fine mesh remove contaminants. For the majority of homeowners this method is cheap, reliable, and effective enough. Other homeowners however may opt for an water filtration system that does a whole lot more. These filtration systems remove mineral deposits like lead, ammonia, chlorine and even many of the larger biological contaminants found in tap water.
Water filtration systems are also available in a wide variety of different sizes. A good example of a decently sized filtration system is the reverse osmosis system. These particular filters remove contaminants by forcing water through a semi permeable membrane that contain very small openings and puts purified water in a holding tank until it's ready to be used. These types of water filtration systems can range in size but generally speaking hold a few gallons of water at a time on average. These types of systems are also usually separate from the tap and offer water which is dispensed from a slender faucet. Reverse osmosis is very effective at removing particulate matter and somewhat effective at filtering out biological contaminants.
There are consumers out there who worry about biological contaminants such as E. coli and chloroform bacteria like Legionella and Giardia. If you're one of those types of consumers then you may need to find an ultraviolet water filtration system for your home. Unlike other water filtration systems an ultraviolet filter radiates water with light and destroys the cells of simple bacterium and viruses. You needn't to worry however as the light isn't strong enough to cause water to become irradiated. The one catch all consumers will long want to be aware of however is that the installation of an ultraviolet water filtration system will always need to be handled by a licensed and bonded plumber with experience in such systems. Additionally if you opt for an ultraviolet water filtration system you may also need a pre-filter that removes any particulate matter that may allow bacteria to hide from the radiation.
While making use of an water filtration system is definitely something that plumbers will recommend, the consumer should understand that no matter what type of water filtration system they install their home, none of them are going to remove all contaminants all of the time. If a homeowner suspects that their tap water contains biological contaminants thenn they can ask a plumber or member of the state health department to perform a simple test on their water. The majority of municipal water treatment plants use ultraviolet sterilization to purify their water though some of this water can be re-contaminated after the water leaves the plant. In the majority of scenarios however the tap water that reaches an individual's home needs only standard filtration in order to improve taste and smell. Utilizing an water filtration system will save consumers money by filtering out there on water rather than purchasing bottled water.
If you have questions regarding any water filtration system be sure to browse through our list of plumbers.
Home Improvement Guide specializes in Orange County water filtration system, Orange County home improvement, and San Diego water filtration system.
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