Thursday, October 25, 2012

What Are These Yellow Dots On My windows?

There are a great many things that can cause a window to lose its luster and its clarity. Among them, though rarely spoken of, are little yellow spots. Californians often notice these golden dots all over their cars and homes windows. During certain times of the year these dots will appear in greater numbers making windows look ugly and unkempt. Left untreated these dots can also impede visibility. Not only are they aesthetically displeasing but they are often difficult to remove from windows as well. Despite their commonality and the difficulty people have in removing them, most individuals have no idea what they are or where they come from.

Many individuals believe that they are a substance that falls with morning dew or one that is brought in by rain and other various types of precipitation. What many are surprised to learn however is that these yellow/gold dots found on car and home windows are actually bee excrement. You read right, these yellow and gold dots are the remnants of the pollen that bees consume.

Owners of vehicles can simply move or park their vehicles in a different location, one that's further away from bees but homeowners don't have the luxury of moving their abode to a different location. Although bee droppings are notoriously difficult to clean they don't actually pose any long-term risk to a home's windows and can therefore be cleaned both by homeowners and professional window cleaners. Hiring a professional window cleaner to remove be droppings from a home's windows will always yield greater results and may also see some protective coatings added just after cleaning which make removing future droppings easier. Do-it-yourselfers can also remove be droppings but it will require time, money, and patientce.

Professional window cleaners will have greater success with windows covered in be droppings simply because they have the tools and chemicals necessary to remove just about anything from windows and the experienced hands needed to avoid damaging windows in the process. Things like pressure washers and different chemical soaps can be used both separately and in conjunction with one another remove the little gifts bees leave behind on a homes window. Do-it-yourselfers will quickly find that they will need to invest in expensive tools and chemicals should they wish to remove be droppings from their windows frequently.

Stanley Window Care specializes in window washing companies in Orange County, and Orange County window cleaning services and Newport Beach window cleaning.

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